(Writer’s Note):
What kind of boat does the CCA use?
A Censor-ship!
(Illustrator’s Note):
I think Draco needs to revisit a previous strip, a couple of chapters back.
What kind of boat does the CCA use?
A Censor-ship!
I think Draco needs to revisit a previous strip, a couple of chapters back.
No good deed goes unpunished.
This is the first time we’ve gotten to start a chapter right at the beginning of the year, so I’m setting it in the winter, just to change things up a bit.
It’s okay, she doesn’t stand a chance. The committee only pays attention to regular industry regulars. It’s a networking fiasco that demonstrates the adage, “It’s not what you know, it’s who you know.”
Which makes the Dr. Doomsday awards only half as corrupt as the Hugo Awards. It’s okay, we’ll get there. Onwards and upwards.
Say it with me, everybody: “We have to go back… “
The cryptocurrency panel means that our strip is relevant.
…Oh and Massive Property damage, too. I believe we’re legally obligated to say that, now.
Never mess with the artist. I mean you’ve seen the power I wield over them when I want to take a day off on my birthday, every year.
And I resolve: To get comics uploaded on time… when there aren’t major holidays to keep me from working.
You know I gotta do it.
Merry Christmas.
Continuity errors. We’re officially a superhero universe, now. Next we can roll out the multi-verse.