(Illustrator’s Note):
Never mess with the artist. I mean you’ve seen the power I wield over them when I want to take a day off on my birthday, every year.
Never mess with the artist. I mean you’ve seen the power I wield over them when I want to take a day off on my birthday, every year.
And I resolve: To get comics uploaded on time… when there aren’t major holidays to keep me from working.
You know I gotta do it.
Merry Christmas.
Continuity errors. We’re officially a superhero universe, now. Next we can roll out the multi-verse.
Aaaaaaaaand back to me doing filler comics in between the chapters.
I’ll probably keep this up, right through to Christmas and we can pick up the new chapter after the Holidays.
The turkey is pardoned.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Captain Stupendous may be a meathead sometimes but even he knows who the real heroes are.
Thank a veteran, today.
Maybe the real villains are just sports fans.
Great, I have to redesign all these characters… again.
Tell us in the comments if you can guess each costume.
Incidentally, Brad and Draco’s dialogues each correspond appropriately to the amount of time I spent drawing them.
The real villains were the friends me made along the way.
Nice to have an easy simple one after the increasingly energetic strips I’ve been having to draw.