Captain Stupendous is about to find that he has a discipline problem at his school.
Posts authored by Principal
02-Compound Principal
Enter Captain Stupendous
It turns out that being a klutz is not something one simply outgrows in puberty. Being a superhero can certainly be expensive.
(Illustrators Note:)
For the Captain’s costume, I took some inspiration from Mr. Incredible. Maybe I should have gone with someone less destructive.
01-First Day
Welcome to Superskooled!
We hope you enjoy this webcomic at least as much as it hurt to create it! In our first strip, Brad finds that super-strength can lead to one’s use of homeowner’s insurance.
(Illustrator’s Note)
If your eyes are in fact literally burning right now, I apologize for the rotten artwork.
We started this comic about 5 years ago and uh… I promise I’ve improved… really.
Abandon Hope All Ye Who Enter Here
Welcome to Superskooled, the webcomic where superheroes get educated. This strip shows the rivalry between a superhero and supervillain school. We hope that you grow to love it as much as we do. See you in class!