Hello Heroes!
In August, Collective of Heroes will be doing a “Mash-Up” event! This is where people will produce art of two superheroes mashed up, amalgam-style, and shown off on our social media platforms. One stipulation, one of the heroes has to be from the Collective of Heroes. https://collectiveofheroes.net. The other can be from anywhere else.
We’ll be promoting this event throughout July, to get enough art in for August, so there’s a month to get the art in (deadline July 31st). It would be great to get some art in from the other Collective members, but this is open to everyone and it would be also great if we could all use our social media accounts to promote this.
Use the hashtag #CoHeroesMashUp on any social media posts.
Please send any art to hotwab@outlook.com OR Twitter @shaneoid77 – https://twitter.com/shaneoid77?lang=en.