98-Super Skooled Origins: Garbage Can Man
(Author’s Note): Garbage-Can Garbage-Can Does whatever a Garbage…Can (Illustrator’s Note): For Garbage Can Man’s look I took insperation from a combination of Singed, Strong Sad, and Pathetic Loser
(Author’s Note): Garbage-Can Garbage-Can Does whatever a Garbage…Can (Illustrator’s Note): For Garbage Can Man’s look I took insperation from a combination of Singed, Strong Sad, and Pathetic Loser
(Author’s Note): I hope you don’t mind that we ripped off Garfield for this one. (Illustrator’s Note): I went to great lengths to design Sarah’s old costume like that of a classic 80’s superhero. Those little yellow strips around her boots and gloves were the answer.
(Author’s Note): This is our 100th strip! … … Please Clap. (Illustrator’s Note): … *pant, pant* I never wanna hear the term: “Tie-die” again.
(Author’s Note): Is it too early in the year to make Bing Crosby references? (Illustrator’s Note): Why is it that with all the detailed imagery and character design in this strip, the thing I’m most proud of is the choice of color on the blond kid’s shirt?
(Author’s Note): I feel like this joke is canned. I’ll be here all week. (Illustrator’s Note): That’s right kids, it’s Earth Week. That means for the next six months you get to listen to Liz ramble about inconvenient truths.
(Author’s Note): …inadvertently given secrets to a supervillain. (Illustrator’s Note): Every time I lower the saturation in one of these flashback panels, it’s like watching a Frank Miller movie.
You don’t have to be “Super Mom” to be super. Happy Mother’s Day.
(Author’s Note): One, Two, Tree
(Author’s Note): Yes, I know a Planetarium is used to study the stars and therefore has nothing to do with eco-powers. Sue me. (Illustrator’s Note): I listened to the “Captain Planet” theme song for an hour while designing Captain Planetarium. I am an artist who will bleed for my work.
(Author’s Note): Water way to go… (Illustrator’s Note): The only person in the universe who can make Captain Stupendous look competent.