(Author’s Note): What I love about writing this comic is that we are able to create a strip where we pass the idiot ball around. As fun as it is to lampoon dear Captain Stupendous, it’s nice that he’s not always the punchline.
(Author’s Note): To what joke is Ms. Pennyloaf referring? This One, of course. (Illustrator’s Note): I decided it would be a good idea to spruce up the stage and make it look like, well, a statge. Also, Hero High has a blue color scheme, not red.
(Author’s Note): Well, if you love nature so much, why don’t you marry it? …WAIT I WASN’T BEING SERIOUS. (Illustrator’s Note): I drew Captain Planetarium hitting on a Tree… Now to check myself in to therapy.
(Author’s Note): I see that Captain Planetarium is wearing his brown shirt today… (Illustrator’s Note): Something about that dynamic shot in pannel 3 makes Captain Planetarium look more ’80s than ever.
(Author’s Note): I wonder if Supervillains can get government subsidies for solar panel implementation on their Doomsday Devices. (Illustrator’s Note): Darn, is it just me or does the Darque Hearts building look like an inflatable bouncy house?
(Author’s Note): If I’ve learned anything over the past year, it’s that threatening people is the best way to get them to join your cause. (Illustrator’s Note): You’ll notice that Tom’s anger flame grows from panel to panel… then there’s that last panel.
(Author’s Note): Say what you will about Eldritch abominations, they sure do know how to clean house. (Illustrator’s Note): For the design of Mondor Logan asked me to draw something that was quote: “Impossible.” Easy right?