(Author’s Note): You’ll never guess what happened when Daisy suggested that the class take a trip to Burning Man. (Illustrator’s Note): So I just realized that Daisy Chain (who just happens to have been introduced in this chapter) has a shirt with a color pattern that kind of resembles Earth. I swear I didn’t plan… Continue reading 134-Draining The Swamp
(Author’s Note): It’s a little known fact that Maslow’s hierarchy of sarcasm was a superior theory. (Illustrator’s Note): Sadly, I fear for the day when the title reads: “Achievement Unlocked: Wore CLOTHES To A Prep School”
(Author’s Note): For all you kids out there, a dark room was an ancient place where the arcane ritual of developing pictures was carried out by priests called “photographers.” That’s what I hear anyways. I just googled it. (Illustrator’s Note): Anyone else getting a “Ninja Turtles“ vibe going on here?
(Author’s Note): Did, did we just make a dated cultural reference? Looks like this comic strip, just got dated. YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do you think this comic has enough red in it? I really want to balence out the colors. This srtip has been given a Bonus Comic!
(Author’s Note): Back in the day, Finn also tried out for a role in a Nintendo Game, but he was too easy to hit with that orange zapper gun. You know how hard those old games were…
(Author’s Note): I’m all fired up for this strip. … … I’ll see myself out. (Illustrator’s Note): Pro Tip: a cardboard box is usually not the best way to hide from… Continue reading 139-Box Trolled
(Author’s Note): Ask, and ye shall receive… Originally, I thought Finn might be the one who pushed the button, but we talked it over and decided it would be just as funny for Liz to sarcastically do it herself. As mush as possible, we try to portray Finn as a passive observer, not someone who… Continue reading 140-Through The Affront Door
(Author’s Note): I’m pretty sure that the U.N. will soon classify Timeshares as a crime against humanity. I’m also increasingly impressed by the amount of energy that Taylor can infuse in the poses of the characters. Draco’s reveal in panels two and three really shines here. The punchline might be in panel four, but the… Continue reading 141-Dramatic Reveal
(Author’s Note): Since this whole chapter is about going green, may I draw (ha) your attention to how we recycled Planetarium’s pose in panels two and four. Who says we don’t practice what we preach?
(Author’s Note): Dr. Draco just loves sharing a cup of lapsang souchong tea. (Illustrator’s Note): So this is comic making: The original scrip was supposed to have Liz in the last pannel, shouting: “TWO!” in response to the robot’s question. That little detail, however, had been pushed down to the next page and I never… Continue reading 143-Tea Time