Happy Easter! Seeing as Easter this year also happens to fall on April Fools’ Day, It got me thinking of the first Easter as being the ultimate April Fools’ prank. Not so funny for the people originally involved, I’m sure, but thank God for the reveal at the end! Happy Resurrection Day Everyone!
(Author’s Note): Dr. Draco as Cable disguised as Thanos. Get on my level of reference. (Illustrator’s Note): DISCLAIMER: The existence of a character in blue and yellow clothing with a purple face in this strip is in absolutely no way a shameless attempt to gain attention by riding off of the popularity of a certain… Continue reading 188-Holed It In
(Author’s Note): Gotta love that Cheshire Cat grin Draco’s giving Brad. Also, kudos to you if you get the in-joke reference we’re making to chapter one. (Illustrator’s Note): And they went back to being enemies. The End
(Author’s Note): I’ve unlocked the key to writing a good comic: don’t mix your metaphors. (Illustrator’s Note): Of all the images in this strip, the one I’m most proud of is that one little tiny key.
(Author’s Note): For all our followers and friends, fank you for freading. (Illustrator’s Note): I love when I get to do a scene in the dark with outside illumination.
(Author’s Note): Go-Go-Gadget Intercontinental Ballistic Missile! (Illustrator’s Note): I’ve stated before that I hear Miss Pennyloaf’s voice in my head, having a German Accent. I think that has an impact now more than ever.
(Author’s Note): I like making Taylor draw the same thing over and over again. (Illustrator’s Note): I need to change Dr. Draco’s outfit. It’s getting really monotonous to have to draw over and over and over and over and over and….
(Author’s Note): Are we the first comic to feature a superhero/supervillain slumber party? Eh, I’m claiming it either way. (Illustrator’s Note): I’m starting to like this “Brad thinking at night” gag.
(Author’s Note): Another version of this strip was going to have John Byrne on one track and Jim Shooter on the other. Whom would you save? (Illustrator’s Note): We had to rework this piece quite a bit before it was suitable. Originally, we wanted 1 trolley with a switching track, but there was question as… Continue reading 195-Train-Wreck of Thought
(Author’s Note): Brad’s mom is surprisingly serene regarding the affairs of superheroes and supervillains. (Illustrator’s Note): I like to see Brd and his mom at home. It brings a personal sense to the comic.