Christmas 2019
Somehow I just knew they’d do that to me again. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Since this was posted in the middle of the week, there’ll be no strip on Friday. This will count as this week’s second strip.
Somehow I just knew they’d do that to me again. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Since this was posted in the middle of the week, there’ll be no strip on Friday. This will count as this week’s second strip.
My how the times have changed. Happy New year, everyone. Looking forward to another with you all.
(Author’s Note): All time travel devices should come with bubble wrap. (Illustrator’s Note): There you go. We’ve included robots, aliens, time travel, and now Dinosaurs. Are you happy?
(Author’s Note): Once you pop, you just can’t stop. (Illustrator’s Note): It’s the sound of silence. Well, the sound effect anyway.
(Author’s Note): Time Travel is dumb. Time Travel stories are dumb. We are dumb. (Illustrator’s Note): Good thing they weren’t in high-heels.
(Author’s Note): Think about this every time something goes wrong in the MCU from now on. Congratulations, you’ve ruined the magic of cinema. (Illustrator’s Note): I think I might be learning to draw dinosaurs. Or at least a Tyranosaur.
(Author’s Note): At least they’ll die together. (Illustrator’s Note): I really hope you can tell that that’s Bard trying to push through the dinosaur’s stomach. If not… that’s Bard trying to push through the dinosaur’s stomach.
(Author’s Note): Turns out, you CAN take it with you. (Illustrator’s Note): I can now put on my resume that I have drawn the Florence Cathedral and the inside of a Tyrannosaurus in the same work. Not many artists can say that.
(Author’s Note): If I had a time machine, I would go back in time to when I scripted this comic and come up with a better punchline. (Illustrator’s Note): Ok, what is Mad Scientist Magoo doing in Hero High? Yes, now you know his name.
(Author’s Note): If this all seems confusing at the moment, don’t worry. It won’t make sense later either. (Illustrator’s Note): We need the Umperor to come in and yell: “SAFE!”