Superhero madness meets the madness of high-school. What could possibly go wrong?

358-Time TraveleRRRRR

358-Time TraveleRRRRR published on 3 Comments on 358-Time TraveleRRRRR

(Author’s Note): I hope you guys RRRRRRR satisfied with the unmitigated disaster this strip has become. (Illustrator’s Note): I forgot to add handles to the helm, the first time arround. I corrected that this time. Wheel chock that up to being part of the pirate’s upgrades.


359-Timelie published on 2 Comments on 359-Timelie

(Author’s Note): This is how we fix the timeline. (Illustrator’s Note): “Today’s strip will be easy, Taylor, there are only two pannels this time…”

360-Back to the Present

360-Back to the Present published on 3 Comments on 360-Back to the Present

(Author’s Note): Looks like someone hasn’t taken Driver’s Ed. yet. (Illustrator’s Note): Of course I made the cop’s time machine a T.A.R.D.I.S. but I only just now realized that I gave the COP a POLICE box.

So, we're just going to ignore the fact that the game will probably be canceled due to the Corona outbreak?


361-Dinocity published on 3 Comments on 361-Dinocity

(Author’s Note): There, the timeline is all fixed now! (Illustrator’s Note): Let’s recap: We’ve sent people through time by punching them, been eaten by dinosaurs, brought dinosaurs into the Reconnaissance, been captured by time traveling, futuristic, flying space pirates, and now we’re going to go watch a sports event with Tyrannosaurs in Business suits… DID… Continue reading 361-Dinocity


362-Dino-Might published on 2 Comments on 362-Dino-Might

(Author’s Note): There, we fixed the timeline. You happy now? (Illustrator’s Note): Don’t ask how a dinosaur ends up with a mustache because I am not about to try to wrap my head around that one. Not after everything else we’ve dealt with this chapter.


Quarantined published on No Comments on Quarantined

Alright, it’s happened. My county finally issued a shutdown to slow the spread of this gosh darn thing. At the time I’m writing this, the county will be effectively closed at 8 PM Thursday 26th. I’ve thrown this post together quickly before focusing my attention on packing to go be with family for however long… Continue reading Quarantined


364-Booooooh-Yah published on 2 Comments on 364-Booooooh-Yah

(Author’s Note): It’s all the same except for everything that’s different. (Illustrator’s Note): Finally managed to get the whole tech fiasco under control. Sorry about the lack of a strip, last week. Maybe we can just chock this up to being an April Fools prank? Yeah, I totally did that on purpose…

365-Tax Seasoning

365-Tax Seasoning published on No Comments on 365-Tax Seasoning

(Author’s Note): Ah, my least favorite time of the year. (Illustrator’s Note): Ah, my favorite recurring joke in this comic.