(Author’s Note): Are you getting tired of this joke yet? (Illustrator’s Note): Sorry these keep coming out late folks. We’ve been going through some stuff…. I mean, Lead Boy has been in charge.
(Author’s Note): Are you getting tired of this joke yet? (Illustrator’s Note): Sorry these keep coming out late folks. We’ve been going through some stuff…. I mean, Lead Boy has been in charge.
(Author’s Note): So, in the spirit of the Christmas season, here’s a scene straight outta Valentine’s Day. (Illustrator’s Note): One of these days, we’ll get a strip out on time.
(Author’s Note): Welp, we had a good run. (Illustrator’s Note): This is the first official kiss we’ve seen in this comic. We’ve made it in the webcomic business.
(Author’s Note): For such a slow comic, we sure are fast with the bad jokes. (Illustrator’s Note): The hat is that of Richard Petty… He’s “Just plain fast.”
(Author’s Note): The blinds have it. (Illustrator’s Note): A joke that can only be told in a comic.
Last year I explained how Logan’s birthday falls on Thanksgiving every now and then. This year it’s actually happening, so… two birds, one stone.
What do you say? Would you buy Super Skooled merch if we offered it? If our web-store is already up at the time you’re reading this, go check it out.
(Author’s Note): This has to count as some kind of ADA violation. (Illustrator’s Note): I’ll be going out of town for about a week and I’ve been busy getting ready, plus Logan barely has enough time to get a script ready for me on a normal schedule, so there will be no strip this Monday.… Continue reading 435-Haul Pass
(Author’s Note): This is what happens when I’m forced to make a musical reference joke. (Illustrator’s Note): Confirmation that Fauna is secretly a Disney Princess.
(Author’s Note): Pfft, everyone knows that the real way to make it in the music business is to play to the grass crowd. (Illustrator’s Note): When did the visuals of this comic become that of a psychedelic, hip-hop style rendition of My Little Pony?