(Illustrator’s Note): Today’s strip brought to you entirely by me. Y’know what? This partnership is holding me back. I think I’m just going to strike out on my own… (Illustrator’s Note): … and when I say “Strike Out” I mean I would definitely “Strike Out” if I was on my own.
(Writer’s Note): Anyone guess what we’re ripping off-I mean-being inspired by? (Illustrator’s Note): The thing I love about skeletons is, you cant tell the difference between them. So Copy and Paste away!
(Writer’s Note): We used our +2 Javelin of Procrastination on this one. (Illustrator’s Note): Sorry for the long wait, everybody. This week it was my turn to be busy. I got back from Charleston and then got a new job.
(Writer’s Note): All major credit cards accepted. Order now! (Illustrator’s Note): If we were to start offering action figures of these characters, I wonder if people would by them. Comment below and we’ll consider it a pre-order.
(Writer’s Note): *Bleep* *Bleep* (Illustrator’s Note): I originally wanted it to be spelled “Meep, Meep,” but it was decided that would be too profane.
(Writer’s Note): Some people just can’t hack it. But I always can. Hack, that is. (Illustrator’s Note): In another news, I heard Masters of the Universe didn’t go over well.