
210-Newsflashdance published on 2 Comments on 210-Newsflashdance

(Author’s Note): Next, stay tuned for the weather report, where we hope an asteroid will not ruin your weekend. (Illustrator’s Note): The script named the aliens as “The SPORG”… Oh, the plans I have for that. *rubbs hands manniacly.*

211-Lost in Transration

211-Lost in Transration published on No Comments on 211-Lost in Transration

(Author’s Note): I hope they updated their Nvidia Drivers. (Illustrator’s Note): I told you I had plans for the “SPORG”.


212-Interstealer published on 2 Comments on 212-Interstealer

(Author’s Note): These aliens have a lot to learn about our ways… On another note, one thing that’s awesome about working with an amazing artist is how you’re always pleasantly surprised by how everything turns out. The script called for alien cyborgs, but Taylor turned that into something really unique and visually interesting. (Illustrator’s Note):… Continue reading 212-Interstealer


213-Craptocurrency published on 2 Comments on 213-Craptocurrency

(Author’s Note): Seriously, who robs a bank with a finger gun? (Illustrator’s Note): Maybe Flognargs would have more worth if they didn’t have to be carried arround in an unbreakable airtight coinpurse.


214-Foolanthropy published on 1 Comment on 214-Foolanthropy

(Author’s Note): Traffic Jams are far more deadly and inconvenient than any alien incursion. (Illustrator’s Note): You know something is wrong when Draco looks comfortable.


215-Softwhere published on 2 Comments on 215-Softwhere

(Author’s Note): Bear, the product placement in this strip is unmanageable. (Illustrator’s Note): Man, the product placement in this strip is unbearable.

216-Everybody Gets Atrophy!

216-Everybody Gets Atrophy! published on No Comments on 216-Everybody Gets Atrophy!

(Author’s Note): Boy, we sure crammed a lot of the cast in this one. Sorry Taylor. Not really. (Illustrator’s Note): … Wha? Wait, how did you know what my comment was going to be about?


217-Tiebroken published on 2 Comments on 217-Tiebroken

(Author’s Note): Silly, society is destroying society. Lord, I love the expressions Captain Stupendous can make. (Illustrator’s Note): It would appear I’ve succumbed to the art of cramming as many characters into a page as humanly possible. George Perez would be proud. NEXT TIME: Get to see the inside of Captain Stupendous’s office. STAY TUNED!

218-Hidden Based

218-Hidden Based published on 2 Comments on 218-Hidden Based

(Author’s Note): This is what happens when you put your principals to work. (Illustrator’s Note): Once again, the middle panel took me forever to draw, but it was TOTALLY worth it!


219-Hidedoubt published on 2 Comments on 219-Hidedoubt

(Author’s Note): So Hero High has a budgetary waste issue. So it’s just like every other school. (Illustrator’s Note): I had to study up on modern and postmodern art to design this penthouse.