Here’s how to write a Knight-Man strip…
Panel 1: Musing dialogue
Panel 2: Musing dialogue
Panel 3: Musing dialogue
Panel 4: Something crazy and insane that I’m sure Taylor will figure out.
This is how a Knight-Man strip goes…
Panel: Copy & Paste dialogue into pre-existing template.
Pane2: Copy & Paste dialogue into pre-existing template.
Pane3: Copy & Paste dialogue into pre-existing template.
Pane4: Work out the most complicated image ever, using completely new characters in complex poses while somehow fitting in a metric crap ton of dialogue.
I suppose “everyone” is crazy about something… Some more than the others as Caddyshark is showing us
Chase your dreams!
What I most like about these Knight Man strips is how *professional* he is, in a comic book way. If this is Brad’s future, he’ll be alright!
Chivalry is not dead!