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A more realistic portrayal would involve Mom not understanding why you can't pause online games.

298-Meet the Parents

298-Meet the Parents published on 6 Comments on 298-Meet the Parents


(Author’s Note):

It’s always a good sign when Brad and Draco agree on something.


(Illustrator’s Note):

Sorry for the late update, everyone. Today was a LOOOOOOONG day.


Yeah, those bots just sound creepy. I mean where’s the back handed compliments and the passive aggressive sarcasm? Where’s the knowledge of how bad your child actually is and pretending that the teacher is telling you something you don’t know? Hell my mother was well aware of what a little demon spawn I was. She was under no illusions. I miss her, alot. Ah, well she rules her own province of hell now because Lucifer was to afraid to tell her no. She runs it better then the previous archdule anyways, some ass named Batometh or something like that.

Remind me to never attend one of your family reunions.

My extended family are all doctors without borders and other philanthropic overachievers. Nice people, just stupid in the way only nice, smart, good people can be. Besides once you cross over you’re only allowed back if someone/thing calls you. And no one is dumb enough to call my mom. I just make sure to hold a ritual involving kahlua, coffee and the recorded screams of SJWs to call her now and then.

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